Domain Name Registration

Popular Domain Pricing

Choose Your Perfect Domain Name For Your Business

TLD Year Register Renew Transfer

What you Get.

Simple domain set up

You don't need any technical skills. Search, find and register your domain in minutes.

Real-time monitoring

We make sure you're always up and running with real-time domain monitoring.

Quick, simple tools

Forward your domain name to an existing website or your social media profile of choice.

World-class support

Our web pros are always ready to assist you 24/7, 365 days a year. Contact us any time, any place.

Up to 100 subdomains

Create custom web addresses like shop.domain or blog.domain, and many more.

Huge selection

Search countless new extensions like .io, .co, .shop, .blog, .store, .live and many more.









Each Domain Features

Forwarding & Masking

Direct any domain name you own to your website.

Domain Locking

Prevent unauthorized domain ownership transfers.

Total DNS Control

Manage your domain nameservers (DNS) records from one control panel.

Change of Registration

Assign your domain to someone else or change main contacts.

Status Alerts

Monitor the status of your domain and get instant change alerts.

Auto Renewal

Set your domains to Auto Renew for worry-free renewal protection.


Owning your own domain name adds professional credibility to your business and puts you in control of your brand and the content you manage online. It establishes your identity on the web increasing sales, marketing and branding opportunities.

Simply enter the web address you want to register into the domain search bar. If the name you entered has already been registered, we’ll list any available alternatives. If the domain is available, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.

Chita.Host’s domain name search tool assists you by offering suggestions and alternatives to every domain search you enter into the box. This will help spark new ideas and offers options for additional extensions you may want to secure.

Absolutely. Buying multiple domains can help improve your brand’s online identity and protect you from the competition.

Keeping domain names out of the hands of competitors is just one of the reasons why it is a good idea to invest in multiple variations of your primary domain.

  1. To check if a domain name is available, just type it in the domain search bar and we’ll tell you immediately if it’s already owned by someone else.
  2. If it’s taken, you can search for your domain name using our WHOIS Lookup.
  3. Or try our Domain Backorder service, where you can purchase a backorder credit to give you a chance to get the domain you want when it expires.

A handful of domains will have restrictions, which means you can only purchase them if you meet certain criteria or have authorization (some examples are .gov, .edu and .mil). But most extensions are available to everyone. In fact, most country code Top Level Domains ccTLDs are available for anyone to purchase, even if you don’t reside in the country code in question.

Traditional domains like com, .net and .org are universal, which is great if that’s all you’re after. But if you want to connect with customers on a more personal level, an international domain does it in a way generic domains can’t.

Yes. With Full Domain Privacy & Protection, your domain is protected from domain hijacking and honest mistakes like accidental transfer or an expired credit card. It also prevents spam with a private email address for domain inquiries.

Purchase this protection as part of your domain checkout process and hide your personal contact information from public view.